Monday, January 30, 2012


Yep, it's sErindeppity from the sims! I made this account ONLY so I can comment on sim stories written on this site. It's stopped letting me comment on stories with my wordpress account(s). Well, now it's letting me again but I might as well keep using this to comment even though I really don't like blogspot. xD It's just not easy for me to use. @_@ Anyhoo, the important links:

My Danevbie legacy is here:
A legacy that lasts 13 generations--they're all stories, but all have a thread of an overall plot that runs through them.
My Wing legacy is here:
A rainbow DitFT, with over two dozen gens planned at the moment. xD
My Danning legacy is here:
An alternate universe Danevbie legacy, breaking off at the end of Danevbie Gen One.
My Madness! collab is here:
Madness, and Reddings, and Aliens, Oh My! is an ISBI collab with TheUsernameFound.